Creative Correspondence

Letters from Home- Summer Camp Edition

Part I

My youngest daughter, a nursing student, is away in Massachusetts working at a summer camp as a student nurse. She has never been to summer camp before—declining each year in favor of staying close to home with us. She’s a bit of a homebody so I knew three months on the other side of the country was going to be hard for her at times. I decided one way to make it fun was to give her the summer camp “letters from home” experience she never got growing up. I have been decorating envelopes and sometimes making custom stationery to send to her a few times a week. I want her to be the envy of all the campers.

Since each piece of mail is a surprise, I will have to dole out the pictures after they arrive at camp. I am not a great artistic talent, so I took inspiration (sometimes very literal) from some websites online and then tried my hand at a few of my own creations. My Snail Mail Pinterest Board has some great ideas. I hope this inspires you to be creative with your correspondence.

This was my first try at artistic mail. It’s not the best, but I am improving.

This was my first try at artistic mail. It’s not the best, but I am improving.

My first attempt was not the best, but I am improving and can’t wait to share more.

(Sensitive information has been blurred out.)

For some very talented correspondence see this post and others by Naomi Bulger. Naomi’s website is wonderful and you can subscribe to her newsletter or blog as well.