Sell Junk To Buy More Junk

This past weekend we went to several yard sales. We don't go very often, and this weekend was the reason why. We had planned on looking for some end wrenches for Jon to use in a project he is doing. Instead, we found a lot of things we did not need. Do we really need three sets of darts with real feathers? Granted, they are real feathers, and we do have a dart board, but no on has thrown anything at it - dart or otherwise - for at least a year. I did get a few good things, like a lamp for my office and a few necklaces.

All the yard sale shopping led us to the conclusion that we need to get rid of some stuff, if only to make way for new stuff. So, we are going to have our own yard sale on Saturday. We have already put together a few things, and I think our pile will grow quite a bit as the week goes on.

Yard sales do make me a bit anxious though. I worry our items are not worth what we think they are, or that people will whisper to each other about how ugly things are, or how many weeds we still need to pull out of our flower garden. Pretty much I am worried that the people who come shop at my sale will be yard salers just like me. I try not too judge too much. For one thing, I am just excited to see all the things people have in their houses. For example, at one yard sale we went to they were selling more than 100 tobacco pipes. And for $5 each, they were making a killing. Some of them were really cool with ornate carving or silver handles. It makes you wonder what other things they collect. My mind goes to snuff boxes and even preserved or mummified human lungs. (Can you tell I have been watching that show Oddities?)

We won't be selling anything as unique as that, but if someone is looking for some good summer reading, a bird cage, a wireless Nintendo controller, a small entertainment center or a homebaked cookie (Moira is running a bake sale) then we've got you covered.