See's Candies Are Now Less Appealing
Jon was given a one-pound box of See's Candies today at work. See's Candies are not easy to come by around here. You have to drive two hours to get to the nearest store. Anyway, he brought them home to share with me — he was even letting me have my pick since it's my birthday tomorrow. We ate several pieces and then I took a small nibble out of each piece to see which ones I wanted to eat later and which ones Jon could have. (Aren't I nice?)
I left the opened box on my side table in my room. Later while we were eating dinner I noticed our small dog Ralph was missing. I found him on our bed, chocolate covering our quilts and his face and only one piece of chocolate left in the box.
I'm ashamed to say my first thought was, "I can't believe he ate the See's Candies before I could eat my favorite pieces." I then quickly turned my thoughts to my dog's health.
Ralph is only about 20 pounds and I knew the chocolate would make him very sick. I promptly grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and we made Ralph drink a bit to induce vomiting. Jon says he lives up to his name — he promptly threw up (even one whole chocolate was expelled) and we gave him a bath. He seemed to be doing better and about an hour later he threw up again. Not just a little, but copious amounts of chocolate, nougat, nut and caramel vomit. Half of this ended up on our Chocolate Lab Lulu's back. (She was laying on the floor under the couch.) The irony is not lost on me.
Now we have two very clean dogs and a lot of dirty laundry. The two dogs are now sitting in their kennels looking very forlorn.