Writing Away From Home

Since I started a new job a month ago I feel as though I have been going and going. An 8 to 5 gig with every day responsibility is a lot more work than I thought. Every week was a three-day weekend when I was just writing from home. I love my job, but there are days when I long to be at my desk, eating chocolate-covered raisins and spending hours mulling over a character, but only writing three paragraphs. Now that I'm not at my writing desk every day, I have fallen out of the habit — instead coming home from a day of work and plopping down in front of the TV, begging Jon to make dinner.

I need to set aside more writing time. I have an hour for lunch (who needs an hour to eat lunch?). So, I guess that would be the ideal time, but alas, my writing desk is at home, not at work. Why is it so hard to write in a foreign environment? Some people can plop down anywhere — a random coffee shop, a park, a hotel — but I need to have my own space. I wonder if WSU would let me put my huge writing desk in the architectural garden next to my office building. It would be like a performance piece — "The Displaced Writer".

Until WSU recognizes my need for a comfortable writing space, I will have to make do with what I have — a Cedar Pointe pencil, a pad of recycled lined paper and a forty minutes of imagination.