New Family Member
The kids got a new sister this last weekend — a chocolate lab. We adopted a lab this weekend from the local shelter. She is only a year old, and we named her Lulu. She really is a great dog. We have not been eager to get another dog since Dot died. I mean, how can you replace perfection in a pet?
But, we are soon to move into a bigger house, and we decided it was time. My mom was here visiting for the week so she went with us, and I have to say, it was love at first sight — on both sides. Lulu seems to adore everyone.
When the girls left the house this morning she stood at the window for quite a while waiting for them to come back. Jon finally had to distract her with a decapitated stuffed animal.
We are fortunate to have found such a loving, well-behaved dog. It's nice to have a pet in the house again. Nothing against our leopard gecko Calvin, but a dog is bit more snuggly.