Who Is This Guy?
I may be paparazzi. While on a recent trip to the Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon, I spied this guy.
I swear he is someone famous. A TV or movie actor. Maybe he has been in some commercials — whatever. The point is, I may or may not have seen someone famous in the smallest podunk town in Oregon. Winston has a road called Turkey Crick (not Creek) and a place called Coon's Hollow. How much more podunk does it get? If that isn't enough for you, they also have a bar called F&N Lucky. Great, right?
So, we also saw some cool animals at the safari. We have been before, but it was more fun this year, on account of the famous person and all.
Here are some of my photos. (Not all of them are of animals butts.)
Buffalo |
Bear |
Camel |
Baby zebra |
Native squirrel |