It's Nothing Like the Wii

When I found out about the Kids Bowl Free program I jumped at the chance for my kids to bowl all summer. When I found out I could buy a pass for Jon and I for only $25 I about swooned. Twenty-five dollars for our family of five to bowl two games a day (plus shoes) for the entire summer? Awesome. 

I grew up bowling with my family and we always had a blast. Jon and I bowled off and on early in our marriage — the most memorable when I was 9 months pregnant with Kyle and pulled a muscle in my side. 

We took the family yesterday to Zeppoz in Pullman for our first family bowling trip. When I realized I had never taken my kids bowling I felt like a bad parent. I was determined to have a fantastic time that ended in pizza and pitchers of root beer. (That seems to be how all my bowling trips as a youth ended — well, that's how I remember it anyway.)

It started out kind of shaky. We bowl on the Wii all the time, so we were prepared to get strikes and spares aplenty. WRONG! Wii bowling so does not prepare you for real bowling. First of all, if you get a ball that has holes that are a bit too small it DOES NOT come off when you swing it toward the pins. Instead, it pulls your fingers out of the socket and leaves 12 pounds of dead weight attached to your hand. I don't suggest it. 

After putting up bumpers for Moira so she had a shot at hitting some pins, it got a little better. Moira has an interesting technique, not to mention bowling attire. Decked out in a pink, blue and black plaid dress with white tights and orange and red striped socks she stands at the line and swings her ball back and forth at her side like a pendulum until she really feels it. Then she releases the ball with a sound I imagine a brick makes when thrown on oiled wood. It makes its painfully slow way down the lane,  bouncing off the bumpers to hit a single pin, which then (like dominoes) hits another pin and another, until she has hit at least eight pins. Never failed. 

Maggie went back and forth between Moira's technique and something that looked like she was bound to injure herself or others around her. 

Kyle, well Kyle, he just has his own personal style. What can I say? Most of the time it worked out great for him. We are definitely not going to win awards for form.

At the end of our two games, the kids had smiles on their faces, sweat in their smelly bowling shoes and Jon and I were worried out hips would not work in the morning. 

It was a blast, and I can't wait to do it again.

To witness a little bit of our bowling adventure you can click on this link for a short and poorly shot iPhone video.