Ancestral Similarities
Jon's mom is an avid genealogist and has found out some pretty interesting things about their ancestors. A few years ago she discovered they are related to the man who was the first "Governor for Life" of Virginia — appointed by King James I. Delaware and several landmarks were named after him.
Jon bears an uncanny resemblance to Thomas West, Third Baron of De la Warr. Okay, I'll admit, only one of the pictures is uncanny, the other just shows the Harty nose, neigh, the West nose.
Thanks, Jeanette for this fun find.
Okay, so I have to add that after looking into De la Warr a little more I found that he initiated the first Anglo-Powhatan War after instructions by the London Virginia Company to kidnap Native American children and murder the Iniocasoockes, the cultural leaders of the Powhatan. It is all very interesting and a little gruesome. To read more on the subject you can visit the encyclopedia site Nation Master.