So I am tossing around the idea of a Jell-O diet. I have become hooked to sugar-free Jell-O with Cool Whip. Oh my gosh, it is ambrosia for poor people. So I looked it up and it turns out Jell-O is almost all protein. Good, right? It doesn't really have much else going for it nutritionally except it has almost no calories.
The question then is this: What else do you eat in a Jell-O diet? You need fiber and you need vitamins. Could you eat Jell-O made with fruit, yes. Could you eat it made with bran flakes? You could, but I don't recommend it. It would look too much like the Jell-O from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with the cat food in it.
So I guess I cannot have a diet entirely of Jell-O and Cool Whip, but I sure am adding it to my repertoire. I wonder how long it takes before I get sick of it. Probably a while, there are several different flavors available and the combinations are limitless.