After a Long Absence

Wow, it has really been a while since I have posted here. Things have been a little crazy and are just now leveling out. Our whole family started school, Moira got baptized, we went to Oregon to see Jon's sister Heather and her new baby (and of course Daniel and Derrick too). It has been an eventful few months.

First of all Moira's baptism. She was so happy to finally get baptized, not to mention having her grandparents here from California. Mo and Maggie claim they can still smell grandma's perfume in the car. There were a surprising number of people at the baptism considering we are fairly new to the ward. Mo's primary teachers came along with part of the primary presidency, the bishopric and several families in the ward. Ka-Rynn sang and Shannon played the piano. It was really nice. Both my parents gave talks (my dad filled in for Joel who was ill). The day was really nice.
