Instead of Writing
I've decided to forego the Wednesday Roundup this week.. I've been too busy binge-watching Gilmore Girls and feeling sorry for myself (because my husband is currently in a different state) to surf the Interwebs for cool stuff. Instead I have created book and album covers to represent my current non-existent writing schedule. (See below)
Why is it so hard to get motivated when you are depressed? Why don't chorizo breakfast burritos and Coffee Nut M&Ms do the trick? I don't want to wallow anymore. I want an action plan. I want to sit at my desk for hours each night and write non-stop. And darn it if I don't just want enough clean clothes to get me through the work week. Is writing and laundry motivation somehow linked? What about watching funny videos of dogs running through sprinklers?
I did find one thing online that I thought was funny this week. While looking through possible job and internship postings for my students, I came across this job:
This is not the most grammatically correct job posting, but the title put a smile on my face.
I used Canva to make these book and album covers. I was using it at work to make posters and found it to be extremely easy and fun to use. There are so many things I could do with this—procrastination is at the top of the list.
Book release date: ???
Album release date: probably never