Home Again
Photo by Maggie Harty
It's been months since I have written here, or anywhere. A lot of changes have happened in that time. Some of these include new jobs and a move back to where we feel most at home. My job has taken me away from my family and the chaos of moving so often over the last several months that I am just now feeling like I can breath again.
Our house is a mess of half empty boxes—which is better than half full when you are moving into a new place. All three of our kids are around this summer, but soon one will be a senior in high school, one a junior in college and one a new college freshman. Time really seems to get away from you as your children grow. I am so lucky to have them around me now, not the least of which because they can help unpack and move furniture.
Our new house has a beautiful, naturally-lit space for my husband's art studio and a great room for my office. A large saw was set up this past week in the studio and a ceramic wheel, and various wood and metal working tools will follow. I don't doubt, with his tools and craft so near, I will have to make excuses to join him while he works if I want to see him.
My office has a window that looks out onto the world outside. It is perfect for getting distracted from my work. I may have to put up some blinds—the sheer curtains, don't quite block my view of the comings and goings of the neighborhood.
I am excited to get back to my writing, and have a lot to accomplish if I want to have my book in second draft by the end of the year. With that said, I welcome visitors and love to have my home filled with friends and family. Come on by—we have lots of boxes to sit on.