
I came upon this word after reading Brock Clark’s novel, Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoe? The novel, about a man named Calvin Bledsoe, whose life is upended when his mother, a theologian, dies, was the beginning of a little bit of research.

This book had me going down a rabbit hole of research into John Calvin. This is where I read this word. I am not one to do much religious research, but this novel really prompted me to find out more background information. I remember learning a bit about John Calvin in school, but I didn’t retain a whole lot. His story is an interesting one. You can read a little more about John Calvin here.

Not interested in John Calvin, but love a good book? Try Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoeit’s really, really good.




  1. critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture.

    "the task of biblical exegesis"

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