
April 13, 2020

I received three letters today, all with different stamps. Did you know the United States Postal Service has a Stamp Development department that works with art directors to find and create stamp designs?


The Chinese New Year stamp for 2020 was designed by a student from the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI. You can read a little about her and see her work here.


Update: 4/15/2020- Call to Action

The USPS is looking at a projected $13 billion shortfall for the year due to the coronavirus pandemic. If they don’t get some help, they may disappear and more than 600,000 Americans would be out of a job. The United States Postal Service provides a service that is integral to society. Many rural communities rely on the postal service to send and receive mail, and losing the service would be a huge blow. I believe the loss of the USPS would be devastating to our country. You can help- go online and purchase some stamps. If possible, use USPS to send your packages instead of UPS or FedEx. Remind yourself of the feeling of joy you get when you open your mailbox to find a personal letter or package. I don’t want to lose that.

Use the link in the post above to buy stamps and help save the United States Postal Service.