Fabula Press Short Story Competition Rules
Every year, we run two short story competitions – Aestas in summer and Nivalis in winter. Aestas runs from 01 July to 30 September annually, and is now closed for submissions. We are currently hosting the Nivalis short story competition, which will open for submissions on 01 January 2016, and end on 31 March 2016.
The contests are not theme bound. There is no restriction on genre either, and we are happy to read historical fiction, mystery/suspense, and horror. However, for consistency of presentation we cannot accept children’s stories, fantasy, young adult or chick lit; likewise hardcore science fiction is not something we are looking for, but are open to science based/alternative history based literary works. In case of doubt, it is best to query the editorial team before submitting.
Judging is by a panel of four independent judges, comprising literary agents, authors and essayists – click here to know more about the judges for Nivalis 2016. Based on the aggregate scores from the four judges, three winners are selected and are awarded prizes as detailed in the below guidelines (see ‘Prizes’). In addition, depending on the length and quality of submission, a long-list of stories is drawn up for publication in an anthology, which is sold through leading online bookstores. All published authors will be remunerated as detailed in “Prizes”.
For the Nivalis 2016 detailed guidelines and rules, please refer below:
The “Nivalis” Short Story Competition 2016
Begins – 9:00 a.m. Jan 01, 2016 (US Central time)
Ends – 11:59 p.m. Mar 31, 2016 (US Central time)
The rules below govern the “Nivalis” Short Story Contest 2016 (“Contest”).
Sponsor: The Contest is sponsored by Fabula Press (“the website”), and the Quill & Ink webzine (collectively known as “Sponsors” hereafter).
Eligibility: The Contest is open to all writers 18 years old or above.